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Manual page for lxlogo(1)(man)




lxlogo [options]


A graphical LOGO programming environment for K-12 educational use or just for fun.

Command line options

If lxlogo is invoked without the -f command line option, it will run in interactive menu-driven mode, which is normally what you want for student use.

-f codefile

Execute codefile then exit. Useful for automated demos and for users that prefer their own editor for creating code. If the first lxlogo option is a codefile name, -f is assumed.

-dir pathname

Start interactive mode in the directory given by pathname. Users can go below this directory but can't access files above it.


If specified, a parse and execution trace will be written to the terminal (standard error). This is useful when an obscure error occurs, to see exactly where things fouled up.

-printcom command

Specifies the unix print command for your system. When LXlogo prints a picture or codefile, PostScript is piped to this command. The default (set in the Makefile) is lp for solaris and lpr for linux.
Example: -printcom lp


Normally, when printing pictures LXlogo forces a white background and does some other color conversions for best results and to save ink/toner. This option allows pictures to be printed exactly as they appear.

-set varname value

If specified, a variable called varname will be created and set to value, and it will be made available to the runtime environment. The lxlogo program can use the SETIFNOTGIVEN command to ascertain whether a certain variable has been initialized this way. Useful in engine mode for demos, etc.

-codesize n

Controls the size of the code buffer. Default is 20,000 characters. Use this option if you need more space, eg. -codesize 50000.

-lxlogobin pathname

LXlogo needs to be able to find and run a few other executables (getgui for the user interface box and renderd for printing pictures). These are both included with lxlogo and should be present in the lxlogo bin. If the lxlogo bin isn't in your search PATH, and you don't feel like adding it, you can use this option to tell LXlogo where to find the included versions of getgui and renderd. Note: some systems may have an older version of getgui.. this won't work, use the version included with lxlogo.
Example: -lxlogobin /home/jimmy/lxlogo/bin

-x11bin pathname

LXlogo needs to be able to find and run xedit for code editing. xedit is normally included with X11 and should be present in your X11 bin. If your X11 bin isn't in your search PATH, and you don't feel like adding it, you can use this option to specify the X11 bin pathname directly.
Example: -x11bin /usr/X11R6/bin

-winh h
-winw w

Controls the size of the drawing area window in inches. Default is 7.5" x 7.5". -winh sets the width; -winw sets the height. Because things such as printing work best with the default window size, it's not recommended that you change window size unless absolutely necessary.

-winx x
-winy y

Controls the location of the drawing area window (upper left corner) in pixels. Default is pretty much the upper left of the screen.


You'll need to have your DISPLAY environment variable set appropriately to see X11 graphics on your screen. Do this to see if this has already been taken care of: echo $DISPLAY

If this command gave no results, then you'll need to arrange for DISPLAY to be set. If you are using a linux PC you can probably do this:

export DISPLAY

If you are using a workstation, X terminal, or accessing X on some other host, you should make a setting like this in your shell profile (use your own IP address):

export DISPLAY

LXlogo needs to be able to find and run several other executables, either via your search PATH or by being told directly. See -lxlogobin and -x11bin options above.


Temporary files named __lxlogo* are stored on /tmp and may accumulate there over time.

Delete these manually from time to time, or clean them up automatically by adding an entry to your crontab like this:

18 04 * * * /usr/bin/find /tmp ! -type d -mtime +20 -exec rm -f {} \;

This will run every night at 4:08am, and remove any files on /tmp that are over 20 days old.


Window resizes aren't handled very well.

Printed graphics reveal content drawn beyond window edges.

Occasionally some screen refresh glitches are noted due to window overlap and late window expose events.

"Phantom key presses" are occasionally noted in some situations.

LXlogo is distributed under the GPL.

Copyright statement

Markup created by unroff 1.0,    April 18, 2005.